I got knee ache since I was 25 years old. When I knew that, I got bow knees I decided to go MHTO surgery
At first, I am not aware that bow knees can be cured. I searched through Google and I found Dr. Somsak name mentioned in Panthip page. I look more into the details of the Clinique, the method to cure bow knees. Then I came to BAC to consult with Dr. Somsak on the treatment. Dr. Somsak gave me the explanation of how many kinds of bow knees there are. The one I got. needed to be treated by MHTO which is the doctor’s expertise. I decided to go with it, got the operation on the two legs at the same time. After a month and a half the metal pieces were taken out.
Bow leg, Knock knee correction by Dr.Somsak’s MHTO technique
Bow legs, bow knees, knocked knees have many drawback especialy it cause the imbalanced body structure. It cause more vibration force on the ankle and back than nornal that make the back and knee hurt. It needed to be taken care of asap, not a chronic disease nor a genetic inherit factor. Most of the patients begin the symptom at working age or at middle age, who do not take good care of using the knees.The MHTO, used by Dr. Somsak, is the surgery to adjust and straighten the legs. The prominent point of this technique is a small cut wound. less blood loss, fast recovery and the use of a new instrument designed by Dr.Somsak Laowattana himself. 4 important points of Dr.Somsak’s MHTO technique for bow leg ,knock knee correction 1.Miminal surgical woumd 2.Minimal blood loss 3.Minimal surgical and recovery time 4.Minimal surgical new tools by Dr.Somsak From Knee and Leg shape correction center : Bangkok Advanced Clinics
Bow Leg Knock Knee Correction by Dr.Somsak’s MHTO Technique Part 1
4 important points of Dr.Somsak’s MHTO technique for bow leg ,knock knee correction
1.Miminal surgical woumd
2.Minimal blood loss
3.Minimal surgical and recovery time
4.Minimal surgical new tools by Dr.Somsak Laowattana
Bow Leg Knock Knee Correction by Dr.Somsak’s MHTO Technique Part 2
4 important points of Dr.Somsak’s MHTO technique for bow leg ,knock knee correction
1.Miminal surgical woumd
2.Minimal blood loss
3.Minimal surgical and recovery time
4.Minimal surgical new tools by Dr.Somsak Laowattana
Bow Leg Correction by Dr.Somsak’s MHTO technique Part1
I lived in Russia. I got knee ache that I could not walk for long distances. I studied many data and went to see as many as eight doctors, from three countries. Never occurred to me that there is a doctor that can do the special technique such as MHTO in Thailand!
Bow Leg Correction by Dr.Somsak’s MHTO technique Part2
One year passed after I had the MHTO surgery. I feel like I got brand new knees, without having to have the artificial knee joints. I can walk anywhere, and enjoying a better quality of life.
Knee shape correction with MHTO technique from Dr.Somsak Laowattana( 2nd album)
ผ่าตัดปรับรูปร่างเข่าให้ตรงขึ้นด้วยวิธี MHTO by Dr.Somsak
The good things about the MHTO degenerative knee treatment
The good things about the MHTO degenerated knee treatment: I am 71 years old. I got bow knee problem. I had my knee operated on three times. I got the artificial knee joint surgery 2 times on the right side. It still bow and ached. I got MHTO on the left side. I still have my knee, straight and not ache. The result is so much different, why is that?
Bow legs (or bow knees) and knock-knee in children : Part 2
It’s quite common for toddlers to appear mildly bow legged. In fact, toddlers can often have bowed legs that may even interfere with walking. Fortunately, bow legs usually begin to straighten once the child starts to walk and it can be thought of as a natural occurrence that the child will usually grow out of. Adolescents occasionally have bowed legs if the degree of deformation is rather severe which can cause a flaw in their appearance.