I got knee ache since I was 25 years old. When I knew that, I got bow knees I decided to go MHTO surgery
At first, I am not aware that bow knees can be cured. I searched through Google and I found Dr. Somsak name mentioned in Panthip page. I look more into the details of the Clinique, the method to cure bow knees. Then I came to BAC to consult with Dr. Somsak on the treatment. Dr. Somsak gave me the explanation of how many kinds of bow knees there are. The one I got. needed to be treated by MHTO which is the doctor’s expertise. I decided to go with it, got the operation on the two legs at the same time. After a month and a half the metal pieces were taken out.
Bow leg, Knock knee correction by Dr.Somsak’s MHTO technique
Bow legs, bow knees, knocked knees have many drawback especialy it cause the imbalanced body structure. It cause more vibration force on the ankle and back than nornal that make the back and knee hurt. It needed to be taken care of asap, not a chronic disease nor a genetic inherit factor. Most of the patients begin the symptom at working age or at middle age, who do not take good care of using the knees.The MHTO, used by Dr. Somsak, is the surgery to adjust and straighten the legs. The prominent point of this technique is a small cut wound. less blood loss, fast recovery and the use of a new instrument designed by Dr.Somsak Laowattana himself. 4 important points of Dr.Somsak’s MHTO technique for bow leg ,knock knee correction 1.Miminal surgical woumd 2.Minimal blood loss 3.Minimal surgical and recovery time 4.Minimal surgical new tools by Dr.Somsak From Knee and Leg shape correction center : Bangkok Advanced Clinics
Bow legs (or bow knees) and knock-knee in children : Part 1
Recently there has been a new, revolutionary way of thinking towards the treatment of bowed-legs. Patients can wear specially designed shoes that are tailored to a patient’s particular needs and can therefore produce a change to the legs / knee structure. These custom made shoes, featuring patient specific insoles, can adjust the structure of the horizontal plane and the angle and the length of the legs. Fortunately, they can be fit as soon as the child is able to walk. Furthermore, they are also effective in elderly patients, where they can provide increased support in weaker areas.
Bow legs (or bow knees) and knock-knee in children : Part 2
It’s quite common for toddlers to appear mildly bow legged. In fact, toddlers can often have bowed legs that may even interfere with walking. Fortunately, bow legs usually begin to straighten once the child starts to walk and it can be thought of as a natural occurrence that the child will usually grow out of. Adolescents occasionally have bowed legs if the degree of deformation is rather severe which can cause a flaw in their appearance.
The Drawback of having bowlegs : Part 1
“Drawback of having bowlegs”
Most patients are usually taken by surprise when the doctor tells them they have bowlegs. They react as if it is impossible to have such condition at their age. “How is that possible?” is a typical reaction, while some conditions are severe. Worried they might be teased that a small kid can walk through their bowlegs!
Some patients try to find excuses like, “I was born with it.” or “Every time I wear shorts to play soccer, friends always tease me that my legs are not straight!”
This condition is inherited but there is nothing to be worried about. “Bowing” of knees or the technical term genu varum (genu = knee, varsus/varum = angles in) is part of the normal development of a person. It is the outward curvature (curved out or curving out) of the legs (x-shapedor o-shaped legs as described by some patients in Thailand) that causes separation of the knees when the ankles are close or in contact. The doctor needs to find out the severity of each patient’s condition though it really has serious consequences if left untreated.
When do you need surgery for bowlegs? : Part 2
“When do you need the surgery for bowlegs?”
Bowlegs (Varus knees) that reach these severe conditions need to get operated:
1. The two knees are bowed or curved outwards (curved out) resulting to unequal length.
This causes the patient to walk wobbly because the lengths of the two legs are unequal. The wear on the shoe soles are also unequal. When a patient is wobbly walking for a distance or standing for a long time, it will result in backache. The patient is usually unaware that the chronic backache is caused by bowlegs.
Varus knee (bow-legged) correction in young adults : Part 3
“The treatment for varus knee (bow-legged) correction”
Nowadays, there are only three standard treatments for varus knee correction to regain straight knees, which are acceptable for successful result.
1. Knee replacement
This technique is suitable for inactive patients (older that 65 years old) with severe osteoarthritis of the knee. They currently receive full alternative
reatment though the pain has not improved still. Knee Arthroplastydoes not really last forever since it can only be used and worn for an average of 10-15 years. Patients need to use it carefully, avoiding contact sports. Otherwise, it has to be replaced earlier than expected. Another major disadvantage of knee replacement is having catastrophic infections. Knee replacement is only reserved for elderly patients with severe stage of knee osteoarthritis since it is the last option left.
Types of Bowlegs and Operation Methods to Cure : Part 4
“The Latest and Most Innovative Operation Techniques for Bowlegs”
Advantages of Modified HTO with New Charnley Clamp:
- Small cut wound around 1.5 to 2 centimeters; less time spent on the operation.
- Minimal blood loss; no need to use the tube to drain out the blood from the wound.
- Less pain; short time spent in the hospital (only 2 to 4 days).
- The operating tools are newly designed to be of smaller size and not to be left permanently in the bone.
Modified HTO with New Charnley Clamp
The method is the same as HTO, the third method, in using the Titanium Pedicular screw external fixator. The modification made the operation procedure faster, and with the patient having a smaller cut wound.
The operation to correct bowlegs, knock-knees : Part 5
“The operation to straighten both knees at the same time with the new MHTO Method”
Frequent questions from patients who have bowlegs or knock-knees on both sides from a young age are:
- Can the operation be done on both sides on the same day?
- Is there a difference between knock-knees and bowlegs?
- Will there be a difference if the operation is done on one side at a time?
- And the most important question is: Has this kind of operation (same-day-both-knees) been practiced in Thailand?