Balloon Kyphoplasty
When the elderly who have osteoporosis or thin bone fell down and the butt bump on the floor, even not hard it can cause the bone to collapse. The spine arched up and has a severe back pain. Some hurt so bad that they do not want to get up and walk again. If the relieve type healing, like wearing the back support does not work, there is a new method of cure that can heal the collapsed spine without having to go for a the surgery. The method can inflate up the collapsed bone and concealed within not quite an hour. The elderly will have no more pain, can get up and walk again.They can resume the quality life back in no time. We call this method Kyphoplasty…the cure of the collapsed spine by a balloon technique.
Neck pain down to arms
Every time we move, our muscles contract and release, pulling our bones, enabling us to move. While undertaking low movement activities such as working in front of the computer or driving long distances, the muscles around the neck become inflamed. Pain accumulates little by little without any awareness of the individual. When we do finally feel the pain, it can be a chronic pain at the nape and the shoulder blade. It can feel like the sprain of the neck similar to that felt after slipping off the pillow or sleeping in an uncomfortable position, limiting neck movement and preventing turning of the neck all the way. Some turn to massages for relief. The massage will squeeze and unwind the muscles and it will feel like the sunken, stiffened shoulders are relieved. However, a massage is only a temporary relief. If the condition has been neglected for a long time and not corrected at the cause, the pain will be far more severe and can progress to the failure of the neck muscles. At this stage the patient cannot straighten his neck even for one minute. The pain will be so intense that the patient is unable to manage the pain. Some will suffer headaches, pain in the eye sockets, and suffer from nausea and migraines. Finally, patients can suffer shooting pains down the arms and legs and experience numbness in the hands.