I got bow legs. Since I was a kid, I was teased by friends, especially boys. I lost my self-confident.
I got bow legs since I was little. It started to hurt when I put weight on my knees. It hurt when I exercised. I went to consulted with the doctors some places else. They recommended me to have the surgery The metal piece will be put inside the body. The scar would be a long one.
Dr. Somsak’s MHTO technique will leave only a 1 cm scar and there will not be any metal piece in the body so I decided to go with it.
I was so HAPPY ! because knee surgery with this technique, my knee is still my knee not artificial knee joint.
Mrs. Sumalee Ananpalungjai, 58 years old I got knee ache, I could not keep balance when walking. My knee hurt like there was a lot of pressure press hard there. I went to see many doctors at many places. They all said that I needed to have theartificial knee joint total replacement operation. I did not want to have that kind of surgery so I bear with my pain while keep on looking for alternatives, for almost 5 years. I search the data on the surgery; it said that the artificial knee joint last for about 10 years. When I talk to the one, who had the surgery, they said that after 3 years they felt that they need another surgery to changefor the new one. Therefore, I decide not to take it yet. In my opinion, one who should have the artificial knee join replacement is over 70 years old.
I search and search for many methods. Finaly,someone suggested me to Dr.Somsak Laowattana. When the doctor saw me, he said the knee bow so much how you bear with it. I told him it hurt for a long time. I acknowledged the treatment and asked if there is anyother alternatives. He then said to try the tailor-made structural adjustment shoes. The shoes adjusted the way of walking.
After wearing the shoes for a month, I did not feel the pain, and feel good. The relief was from the shoes and the way of walking. Anyway, the doctor suggested having the MHTO surgery to get rid of the problem at the cause, not just a relief. The surgery will correct and straighten the bow knee. Put them back in shape. He said with my condition the MHTO can be applied. My condition was better than some that came, who cloud not go with MHTO. He observed that my knee twisted out. He said to pull it back should be better than replace the knee joint. I was so HAPPY ! because knee surgery with this technique, my knee is still my knee not artificial knee joint.
After having knee ache for a long time, I found out the cure that no need to operate for the artificial knee, I still have my own knees, the MHTO.
My both knee ached so much that I had difficulty walking. I went to see few orthopedic doctors. They gave me the pain killer pills which work when I took it. But when I did not take it the pain came back when I walk.
I got knee ache since I was 25 years old. When I knew that, I got bow knees I decided to go MHTO surgery
At first, I am not aware that bow knees can be cured. I searched through Google and I found Dr. Somsak name mentioned in Panthip page. I look more into the details of the Clinique, the method to cure bow knees. Then I came to BAC to consult with Dr. Somsak on the treatment. Dr. Somsak gave me the explanation of how many kinds of bow knees there are. The one I got. needed to be treated by MHTO which is the doctor’s expertise. I decided to go with it, got the operation on the two legs at the same time. After a month and a half the metal pieces were taken out.
I suffered with backache for more than 10 years.
I suffered with backache for more than 10 years. I never went to see the doctor for a serious examination or treatment. I thought it just a muscle pain so leave it like that until it came a day I fell down right away the minute I stood up.
8 YEAR… I WAS IN PAIN.! The Doctor recommended me to do Surgery !!
I had symptoms like a lot of knee pain. My knee was weak and my right knee was shaking. In 2013 then I started to gain weight and that gave me problems in my back. And I had a lack of muscles in the lower back. Moreover,because another leg was shorter it hurt at my hip and my back. I had two surgeries and actually the recovery from surgery in Finland wasn’t ok and it leaved a lot of pain . It affected my life too much and I started to search for what I can do. I really couldn’t find anything and then I just found the Bangkok Advanced Clinics. The Doctor recommended me to do Surgery which is called MHTO. First it was scary but I looked at the interviews from YouTube I understand all. Even the old people you can see the before and after you can see from their faces that they are more happy. After getting the results and waiting everything everybody said this is the best thing that they have done and the same happened to me. “ Now I don’t have the pain anymore.”
He got a knee ache for a long time.
Mr. Patrick,65 years old, is the CEO Of Seara Co. the world-class gymnesium equipments. He got a knee ache for a long time. He was introduced, from an orthopedic doctor who teach at one of a medical colleges, to come see Dr. Somsak Lao wattana. He had an MHTO surgery on the degenerative knee joint. The surgery was performed because the condition of the knee joint of that leg can be healed back to normal.
At first, my knees and ankle hurt. When I walked a lot, my ankle swollen
My knees ached for a long time
My knees ached for a long time. I did not realize that I got bow knees. I thought bow knees is so visible that they are curvy. Mine were not like that. After the x-ray, the doctor told me that this was bow knees. It was the cause of the pain. After study many data and got more confidence when I learnt about the result of MHTO operation of many cases of Dr. Somsak patients. I decided to have the MHTO operation of both legs immediately. Now I am so glad that my knees are not ache anymore and I still have my own knees, not the artificial ones.
Now the pain is almost all gone. For me I think MHTO surgery it is the best choice.
My name is Manit, 53 years old from Chiengmai. The symptom started with there was a noise from the kneecap when I walked. It hurt when I walked up and down the stairs; I took the medicine on my own. Later, I took the medicine prescribed by the doctors I went to visit. The pain was not relieved. I learned from my friend who got the surgery from Dr. Somsak. It was a successful one, with good result so I decided to consult with him. Dr. somsak explained to me the cause of the pain. Moreover, the method to cure it. When I compared with those methods that I studied I then decided to take the treatment since it is the method that save time, take less timer to recover and less pain. The Doctor said that it is the MHTO procedure not the total kneecap replacement. After the surgery my knee is still my own knee not artificial knee Now the pain is almost all gone. For me I think MHTO surgery it is the best choice.
Knee pain, deformed bone, decided to have knee surgery #MHTO
Ms.Kanyakorn Nantharathon, 56 Year old I got knee ache and the bone start to distort. Most of the doctors I went to see told me that I need a knee surgery. Dr. Somsak who told me that nothing wrong with my kneecap. The problem is the bone, and he recommend me to have a MHTO surgery but not the kneecap operation since it is still functioning. In general, it is gradually better no more pain. Before, when I walked my leg was crooked. Now it is straight. He also suggested me to tailor-made the insole for the shoes. This will help prolong the deterioration of the kneecap. Now I can walk straight and no crooked bone. Before, I had to be very cautious, could not walk for long. When walked for a distance it hurt. Now no more problem that I forgot that it used to hurt a lot.
I decided to take the MHTO at the same time on both legs.
I am Dr. Somsak Chokesuchart, MD. A doctor from Pang-nga province. I knew that I had to undertake the knee surgery, I just need to decide which treatment was the BEST solution. Finally, after studying many data and seeing many doctors I came to the conclusion to take the MHTO at the same time on both legs.
Bow Leg Correction by Dr.Somsak’s MHTO technique Part1
I lived in Russia. I got knee ache that I could not walk for long distances. I studied many data and went to see as many as eight doctors, from three countries. Never occurred to me that there is a doctor that can do the special technique such as MHTO in Thailand!
Bow Leg Correction by Dr.Somsak’s MHTO technique Part2
One year passed after I had the MHTO surgery. I feel like I got brand new knees, without having to have the artificial knee joints. I can walk anywhere, and enjoying a better quality of life.
The good things about the MHTO degenerative knee treatment
The good things about the MHTO degenerated knee treatment: I am 71 years old. I got bow knee problem. I had my knee operated on three times. I got the artificial knee joint surgery 2 times on the right side. It still bow and ached. I got MHTO on the left side. I still have my knee, straight and not ache. The result is so much different, why is that?